When I was in elementary school, the cafeteria switched to disposable plastic trays because the paper ones hurt trees. Stupid, I know… but are today’s initiatives any better?

  • JasSmith
    1 year ago

    You can easily be vegan while advocating for other change like less coal.

    Sorry, but major lifestyle changes are not “easy.” It’s “easy” to lose weight, and yet two thirds of Americans can’t do it. I like eating meat but would be willing to give it up if the juice were worth the squeeze. It’s not. Instead of spending your time telling people to make major lifestyle changes with almost zero impact to the climate, why aren’t you focusing on real, sustainable solutions?

    FYI the top four metrics in the image you linked are for agriculture, not meat production alone. Agriculture includes the production of plants, fruits, and grains. It’s all food production.

    • NotAPenguin
      1 year ago

      It really isn’t hard, buying the plant based products instead of the animal ones is easy.

      • JasSmith
        11 year ago

        I find it very difficult. It appears that what you find easy and what others find easy are not the same.

        • NotAPenguin
          1 year ago

          What’s hard about choosing the plant based option in the grocery store or restaurant?
          It’s literally just buying a different product.

          • JasSmith
            11 year ago

            I like meat a lot. Not eating meat will significantly degrade my standard of living.

            • NotAPenguin
              1 year ago

              You’d be surprised how many vegans said that exact same thing… and then went vegan.

              I used to eat meat too and know it’s tasty but you’re probably not as addicted to it as you think.

              Plant based food can be just as tasty and knowing your food isn’t harming animals or the planet is great.

              Are your tastebuds really more important than the lives of other animals and the health of our planet?

              • JasSmith
                21 year ago

                I appreciate the affirmations but I’ve spent enough years on this planet, and attempted various diets enough times, to know what I like and do not like. I like meat. Many people like meat.

                My tastebuds are definitely more important than the almost zero impact I have explained such a diet has on the planet. You slipped up a bit there and fell into ethical concerns. Remember, this is a discussion about the impact meat has on the environment. Or is your argument not in fact about the environment at all?

                • NotAPenguin
                  1 year ago

                  How is reducing farmland from 4 to 1 billion hectares zero impact?

                  Animal agriculture is incredible inefficient and wasteful.

                  • JasSmith
                    11 year ago

                    How is reducing farmland from 4 to 1 billion hectares zero impact?

                    In the context of our discussion, it has minimal impact on climate change. The scope of harm is really limited to deforestation, but this has minimal impact on CO2 emissions as a proportion of all other output.