A callback to the PS3 early days.

  • Nazo
    7 months ago

    @Thassodar Rofl, OUCH. That one definitely stings.

    There were maybe two PS3 games I liked. One I still hold out hopes on getting a western port on the remake. I don’t even remember what the other was because I hate even turning my PS3 on.

    To be clear, that’s PS3, not “PlayStation” as the original post says though. PS1 and PS2 had *incredible* libraries.

    • ThassodarOP
      27 months ago

      Ah but what about now? The PS5 has a pretty lackluster list of titles if I’m not mistaken, especially compared to the PS4. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m willing to bet by 2017, 4 years after the PS4’s release, it had a bigger library than the PS5 does now 4 years into its lifespan.

      • Nazo
        17 months ago

        @Thassodar I stopped even trying with the PS4 and PS5. They’re just PCs in disguise. (Really the PS3 was too, but it was also a bad disguise that improperly cooled it which is why I’m too paranoid even to use mine.) At this point they don’t really even have any exclusives I could possibly care about and I already have a PC, so it’s like I have enhanced versions of everything but the Switch all in one single box on my desk.

        Still, since this was retrogaming themed we can’t ignore PS1 and PS2.