• @WraithGear
    19 months ago

    Possibly, at that point it would be based on trust that the administration would not continue genocide actions. If Israel changed the ruling party and immediately stopped their genocide then that would be the fastest means to return. I have issues with the land grab into Palestine for the same reason i side with Ukraine. But genocide gives me more than just issues.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Okay you have an issue with the land grab so you stop being allies with Israel. They won’t stop the genocide. Israel will continue with the weapons they already have. Now they think they absolutely need to take over Palestine because they can’t have neighbors that are controlled by Hamas.

      Was that the right choice? Should the US stop the genocide by sending troops and money to government of Palestine? Maybe the money that was intended for Israel?

      • @WraithGear
        9 months ago

        That sounds like an abusive relationship to me, regarding Israel. But if we could not stop Israel from committing genocide no matter what, then i would have us not enable it. If they have the resources available to commit genocide without our help, then they don’t need our help covering their defense, economy, nor political sway either.

        Would actively sending our money and troops to Palestine to attack Israel be the correct play? It’s not so cut and dry as the Ukraine/ Russia war. But that money could go tword humanitarian efforts in Palestine, i am not so much concerned about the Palestinian government as i am the Palestinian people.

          • @WraithGear
            19 months ago

            I did not know it was so many, but i know they were specifically targeted.

            I guess i should answer your real question, what would it take before the US should go to war with Israel? I am hesitant, they are possibly a nuclear armed power, and a war would cost even more innocent lives. But if i had to choose i would have already effectively done so.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              This article is from 7 months ago so it is more. Some people just want to feed children and their trucks are being blown up. It is fucking horrible.

              I ask you these questions because these are the questions I have asked myself and I always end with the same conclusion. Israel is an information super power. The US needs Israel more than vice versa. The infromation provided by Israel has helped keep the US and other allies safe.

              The question I get asked is “if that information is so valuable, then why didn’t they keep themselves safe?” They did know about the attacks. Israel allowed the attack to happen thinking it would allow them in the eyes of the public to take Palestine.

              Wikipedia link - look at the “Events leading to the attack” and the “Israeli intelligence failure” sections.

              • @WraithGear
                19 months ago

                I agree that Isreal getting attacked was needed to begin the land grab and to maintain power of the political party, and to attempt to justify murder. I also agree that one reason the US is allied to Isreal its for a for hold in the region for us to project power. But that is about it. I don’t hold that America needs this partnership, to such a degree to overlook genocide.