• @lennybird
    -19 months ago

    How did they do that?

      • @lennybird
        8 months ago

        Okay, and? What is your point?

        This is just a misunderstanding of how primaries work and basic civics. There are Democratic primaries in FL. For Senate seats, House seats, etc. Those primary dates differ state-to-state, and Florida’s just so happen to take place in August. Nobody met the requirements to be submitted on the Florida ballot in time, and second to that, it wouldn’t have made a difference ultimately as we would come to find out since nobody achieved any competitive results in earlier primaries or in national polling.

        There wasn’t a Primary for President because those who voluntarily threw their hat in the ring either (a) dropped out, (b) did not meet the minimum ballot requirements, or © Biden already earned enough votes for it to be irrelevant. Florida was never make-or-break for anyone else who, again, voluntarily threw their hat in the ring.

        • @frog_brawler
          99 months ago

          I was referring to the presidential primary (as that is the topic of discussion in this thread). Florida did not have one.

          • @lennybird
            9 months ago

            As was I, which I explained why it did not happen. Please read more closely.

            Basic civics.

            • @frog_brawler
              129 months ago

              The “explanation” doesn’t change that it did not happen. My previous comment did not require a qualifier.

              Basic reading comprehension.

              • @lennybird
                8 months ago

                Ok, cool? I simply gave context showing your factoid contributes nothing meaningful to the conversation.

                • @frog_brawler
                  8 months ago

                  I guess we’re both doing that. I never had a misunderstanding.

                  Ok bye.

        • @[email protected]
          -98 months ago

          None of these kids ever seem to know what they’re talking about. And the moment you point it out with any proof- they disappear to go post their shit elsewhere having not learned a thing.

          It’s why I don’t bother anymore trying to persuade them with facts. I just call them out and move on.

    • @Toastypickle
      119 months ago

      Biden is the incumbent so obviously the only one that can possibly win. Crush all other prospects and tell them to wait their turn

      • @_number8_
        149 months ago

        furthermore any challengers are just giViNg tHe eLeCtIoN to trump

      • @lennybird
        9 months ago

        Nobody stopped people from running, though. In fact people did run they just lost like primaries are supposed to work?

        • @[email protected]
          189 months ago

          I get so tired of seeing people hand-wave away democracy like it’s some kind of amateur sport. This is not how fair and impartial primaries are ran. We can recognize the tech-monopolies and the unfair practices (and untold wealth) they use to squash competition but when it comes to elections? shrug

          • @lennybird
            -79 months ago

            Even Bernie Sanders could’ve run again if he wanted to, but he chose not to. Nobody at the DNC “forced” him to not run as was suggested.

            • @[email protected]
              179 months ago

              more hand-waving, “anyone can make a video platform”. No, you need infrastructure, SEO attention, Creators, etc etc. You don’t just “decide” to run in elections, the bar for entry is beyond anything a citizen or even most politicians can accrue. Bernie Sanders fell in line a long time ago with the same party he openly said was unfairly treating elections. Vote Biden if that’s your choice and I fully support that, but we need to stop sugar coating and pretending everything is A-ok in the DNC if we ever want an elected official who represents the average voter in the party.

              • @lennybird
                -79 months ago

                More hand-waving, indeed.

                Bernie Sanders whose convictions and experience are without question understands the game better than anyone here, I suspect.

                I’m okay with saying the DNC has poor strategy. But that is independent from claiming they prevented anyone from running. So I say again, NOBODY FORCED anyone to NOT Run, and zero evidence to the contrary has been provided. This is an obvious wedge-driving issue that originates from right-wing and foreign operatives intending to wedge-drive the Democratic coalition. Please, don’t drink the kool-aid.

                • @[email protected]
                  88 months ago

                  AIPAC Unleashes a Record $14.5 Million Bid to Defeat a Critic of Israel

                  Democratic officials keep other competitors off North Carolina ballot, leaving Biden the only choice

                  The Democratic Party promised to overhaul its primaries. Doing that has been anything but simple

                  Biden’s Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

                  jfc, stop falling back to the easiest and lowest form of defense because of “rightwing and foreign operatives”. This is a conversation between you and I. Bernie Sanders understands the game better than anyone here, and had to fall in line… how is that not a statement against what you’re proposing here?

                  • @lennybird
                    8 months ago

                    First link is inapplicable to DNC; blame conservative Supreme Court.

                    Second link is somewhat fair, but ultimately neither candidate adhered to local NC election policy; nor was either actually going to win the election there by the polling – but I’ll credit you this.

                    Tell me what you want me to take away from the 3rd link that supports your argument.

                    The fourth link is substantive and my stance is somewhat shifted. Some shady state-level shit, or at the very least inconsistency and incompetence.

                    But I have to step back and ask the following: Did these change the outcome in any conceivable way? Let’s be abundantly-clear, here: Nobody who actually voluntarily threw their hat in the ring were achieving any modicum of momentum in public polling that would suggest they’d be a viable challenger. IF, there was someone who could win opening primary states and who had some semblance of national polling that competed with Biden at any level, then I’d be more inclined to agree. But there simply was no Obama waiting in the wings.

                    So to repeat: Nobody “forced” anyone to not run against Biden; they simply lost and could not make up either the numbers or longstanding state-level requirements to compete. That being said, was there an obvious top-down messaging campaign to rally behind the incumbent President? Absolutely. Do I agree? Not particularly.

                    And I’m sorry but it’s a fact right-wing operatives routinely utilize this rhetoric to drive a wedge. Plenty of reporting on the Russian IRA Troll farms; are you unfamiliar? For fuck sake my man, you’re the one who pointed out foreign interference with Israel dumping money and utilizing their own misinformation troll farm online.

                    Let’s not presume upon what Bernie did; fall-in-line are your words based purely on speculation when they could’ve simply been “Bernie understood the dilemma and agreed with the top-down strategy at the time, and that no other candidate who voluntarily threw their hat in the ring had a better chance.”

            • @samus12345
              59 months ago

              Aside from his age being an issue for him just as much as Biden, he knew that challenging the Democrat incumbent would just split the support he desperately needs further.

        • @Evotech
          89 months ago

          Pretty sure they dropped out one by one due to political pressure

          • @lennybird
            -89 months ago

            Really? They didn’t drop out because of lackluster polling? Can you point to them rapidly rising in national approval ratings?

            • @efstajas
              119 months ago

              No candidate would ever win a primary against an incumbent president. Which is why the right decision would’ve been for Biden not to run.

            • @Evotech
              9 months ago

              Name one real option the democrats has promoted.

              The fact is that the democratic Party went all in on Biden early one and has refused to promote anyone else

              Yes there’s been a few candidates, but they are all largely unknown and no effort has been made to seriously bring them up.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Name one real option the democrats has promoted.

                Monkey paw curls a finger

                DNC: We’re please to announce Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Presidential Nominee!

              • @lennybird
                9 months ago

                It’s news to me that “democrats” (???) have to promote a candidate as opposed to a candidate running and captivating the primaries electorate… You know… As Barack Obama did in 2007.

                Yes there’s been a few candidates, but they are all largely unknown and no effort has been made to seriously bring them up.

                Well I’m sorry but beggars can’t be choosers.

                You could’ve run; why didn’t you?

                But this beside the point, considering the goalpost has moved a mile from “The DNC didn’t allow anyone else to run.” lol. People here need a lesson in basic civics, clearly.

                  • @lennybird
                    18 months ago

                    That’s a concise way to deflect without any substantive rebuttal.

    • @HomerianSymphony
      8 months ago

      For one thing, they didn’t have a primary candidate debate, which would have helped the challengers get some exposure.