Just noticed it is now cancelled and some of the hosts are creating a new show under the DTNS banner. I am out of the loop. Appreciate if someone can explain. Thanks.

  • 133arc585
    11 year ago

    So what is he then? If he acts like those things, repeatedly, why is he not those things? Is he doing them for show?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I’m fine with both of us having different answers to those questions. I engaged initially to see if there was some new information that would change my opinion but it turned out to be the same things I’ve seen over the years. Thanks again and have a great day.

      • 133arc585
        01 year ago

        So the fact that you didn’t answer that but just skirted it and decided the conversation is over is rather telling. How do you justify his behavior? How do you claim that he isn’t racist? How do you claim he doesn’t have a lack of self-control and anger restraint? I’m genuinely curious how you can see what he does and think that there’s a disconnect where repeated bad actions don’t reflect poorly on the person doing them.