Vote anyways

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    Quit projecting your sabotage.

    I didn’t say that he answered every question exactly how you personally want it to be answered.

    Also, that’s the one clip that’s been posted on every news site, did you even watch the debate?

    He’s old.,you crybaby.

    If you’ve ever spoken to an old person, that’s what they sound like sometimes.

    It doesn’t change that he’s been doing a good job for 4 years.

    You can vote for the rapist, I’m going to keep going with the guy who invests in clean, sustainable energy, legislates new civil rights, provides funding for health care and told Walmart and other corporates to lower their prices.

    You’re so transparent.

    Literally the only people who say blue maga are actual maga people.

    Maga’s an idiot fascist rapist slogan, so you can keep it to yourself and quit projecting it onto liberals.

    • @blazera
      28 months ago

      He’s old

      No shit

        • @blazera
          38 months ago

          Where do you see surprise? What, you think he is just immune from criticism because of his age, so that commenter must simply be unaware that he’s old? Theres nothing about biden people are more aware of!

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            In the way people pretend that he isn’t talking like every old person in the entire world talks.

            And the way they pretend it’s weird that an old man isn’t walking as spritely as a 20-year-old.

            Don’t expect an old man to be a young man.

            • @blazera
              08 months ago

              I aint beating around the bush, show me where you see these things. Show me where they say hes not talking like other old people, show me where they say its weird hes not walking like a young person.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                You don’t hear anybody complaining about how he walks or how he talks?

                You aren’t reading any of these comments?

                That’s all I keep hearing references to.

                Nobody can keep in mind his administration’s policies if he isn’t doing cartwheels, apparently.

                • @blazera
                  08 months ago

                  Nah mate its time to back up these specific accusations. Show me where they say hes not talking like other old people, show me where they say its weird hes not walking like young people. Youre gonna realize the difference here

                  • @[email protected]
                    38 months ago

                    Nah mate, if you’re having this much trouble reading in the first place, I don’t see the point in providing further examples.

    • Melkath
      28 months ago

      He has single handedly disenfranchised record numbers of voters with a genocide.

      And you say “he’s old” like that’s just some write off thing. Its not just some write off thing. If him being old is what is making him incapable of stringing together a coherent thought or WALKING OFF A STAGE UNASSISTED, then GET SOMEONE WHO ISNT ANCIENT.

      Get your head out of your ass buddy.

      When the dems lose, its because of what you are doing here.

      100% avoidable. Get literally anyone who can enunciate a full sentence and hasnt personally orchestrated a genocide, and they will win.

      Keep Blue MAGAing and being delulu, and you will have succeeded in handing Trump the office again.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        You maga zealots are such frightened children, running after abusive dumps because you mistake abuse for affection.

        You vote for the rapist, I’m going to vote for someone who’s made positive policy decisions for four years.

        I don’t care if Biden can walk at all, FDR was in a wheelchair.

        Look at the policies, you blind bat.

        Biden’s administration has benefited the US immensely, domestically and abroad.

        He’s advanced civil liberties.

        Biden’s a great president, dumps is a rapist and literally a traitor.

        • Melkath
          8 months ago

          Twice you, a person who has been demonstrably Blue MAGA in this conversation, have called me, a disenfranchised Independent former Democrat who plans on voting for Jill Stein unless the DNC can produce a viable candidate, a MAGA.

          You have literally described Biden as an old invalid potato and you still shill him.

          Get a clue dude.

          “He is strong on the economy, Bidenomics work.” Noone can afford a house, increasingly people cant afford food, CEO salaries and corporation profit margins are at an all time high though.

          “He has benefited the US domestically.” Is this in reference to the US infrastructure? So he fixed the water in Flint issue, right? Oh… he didnt do anything. Well at least he has taken action on the spread of PFAS… oh, he hasnt dont anything about that. Well, at least our roads and bridges are in good working order… oh, no, they are crumbling and collapsing at a consistent rate.

          “He has benefited the US abroad.” He has turned America into the criminal baddies on a global scale. He has provided unfettered support, rhetorically and fiscally, to an WJC indited war criminal, and has threatened the WJC in defense of the war criminal. He has turned most of the world against the US.

          “dumps is a rapist and literally a traitor.” 100% agree. That is why we NEED someone who will be able to beat him at general, and Biden will not do that. Biden will not be president in 2025. I guarantee it.

          • @[email protected]
            58 months ago

            me, a disenfranchised Independent former Democrat who plans on voting for Jill Stein unless the DNC can produce a viable candidate, a MAGA.

            Voting third party doesn’t necessary make you MAGA, but you’re certainly helping them.

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              Not necessarily. Most people live in states where their vote for president won’t do much, and voting third party can actually help.

              We need to teach people more about secondary effects of voting and how third parties work.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            You’re not fooling anybody by pretending to be independent while screaming blue maga.

            You vote for rape, I vote for progressive social policies.

            And no, you don’t need The perfect magical candidate, you need the candidate who already won before who implements good domestic and foreign policy.

            I mean not you personally, you’re voting for rape, but any progressives who ignore the lgbtq legislation and healthcare and green energy and the absurd amount of good the Biden administration has done for so that they can scuff the dirt with their chucks and wish they had a “better” candidate that did more of all the things Biden is already doing?

            Short-sighted and delusional.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Wow, you’re projecting again, shocking.

                Under Biden, your medication actually might be paid for.

                • Melkath
                  -18 months ago

                  Oh really?

                  I thought he “beat Medicare.”

                  His words. Not mine.

                  • @[email protected]
                    48 months ago

                    It’s very revealing that you think it’s more important he momentarily used the wrong word in a sentence instead of the fact that he implemented and expanded the affordable care act over two administrations.