Hey, everyone… Sobernauts and all… My Girl just made two months sober today after having a two week fuck-up and reset.

I’m taking her to a little lake nearby and teaching her how to kayak. But, I’d like to get her a special gift of some sort, too and I absolutely fuckin suck ass at giving gifts.

Anyone have any good ideas you can think of?

Thanks, and I miss y’all. As for my sobriety, I’m fuckin it up at the moment, but trying to not go completely off the deep end. Staying away from liquor and I believe I’m ready to give it up entirely, again… I’ll be back soon.

  • @CheesyGordita
    27 months ago

    Lorax! Sorry I missed this post! Good to hear from you man. No worries about fucking up. It’s a journey and I can’t even tell you how many times I have quit for good. But I’m still here and still working on it and that’s what matters.

    As for a gift, how about get her a massage? Then maybe clean the house and cook her a meal.

    Keep in touch friend, sober or not