With a group of friends, we started a vanilla world. At the point we’re at now, we’ve launched 1000+ rockets, have hundreds of bots doing their work, train stops that activate and deactivate when necessary, full solar panel powered and artillery outposts that make sure no biter nest exists within the boundary of our pollution cloud.

Which brings us to the point that we feel we got everything out of this run that we can… And wonder what now? What do you think is the next step for a challenge that doesn’t make it so complicated that people stop having fun?

  • alnilamOP
    2 years ago

    Haven’t tried it yet, but I’m going to try it. Thanks!

    • VinnieFarsheds
      2 years ago

      A bit late to the party lol (I only just found this Factorio sub on lemmy). The alternative Factorio blog has a great comparison on 3 big and popular mods or mod packs -> link. Angel bobs, Space Exploration and Industrial Revolution. I do think SE is the best since it has the most variety and the amount of content is so massive. I’m in the middle of a game with a friend as well, expanded to some other planets but still feel we only scratched the surface.

      For it’s art design IR is my favorite, so I’m also in this with my personal factory.