I can’t help but think if we didn’t live in such a dense agrarian techno-industrial globalised world a pandemic like this would never have happened. It only spread quickly because of extreme globalisation. COVID has lead to so much preventable disability and death.

Edit: Maybe I have a different definition of anaracho primitivism to you all but I’m reading through the lense of James C Scott’s Against the Grain, and the problems with the agricultural revolution.

  • @mecfsOP
    8 months ago

    Agricultural revolution.

    Living on permament land with majority reliance on grain and livestock. Increasing chance of catching and trasmitting illness compared to hunter gatherer counterparts.

    • @breadsmasher
      58 months ago

      Well I was just going off your point of ”extreme globalisation” being the reason covid had the impact it did. Is your definition then that extreme globalisation started very early, even before early medieval times?

      • @mecfsOP
        -28 months ago

        extreme globalisation hightened the impact. If covid had started in medieval times, it might have taken decades to spread (as the black plague did).

        • @breadsmasher
          58 months ago

          Comparing the speed of a pandemic - should take into account how quickly people and things can be moved today vs back then. The actual disease spread within communities was still very quick.

          I suppose thats very much a part of globalisation. However, also being able to create vaccines and at least have some measure of protection is also a result, which wasn’t available in historical times

          • @mecfsOP
            -28 months ago

            agreed. My point isn’t about medieval vs now though.

            It’s that the pandemic never would have happened in pre-agricultural times. Obviously I wrote the post kinda quickly and acknowledge I didn’t phrase that properly.

            • @breadsmasher
              48 months ago

              So the point is hunter gatherer societies wouldn’t be able to support pandemics due to how much smaller every community was?

              • @CaptainKickass
                18 months ago

                Yeh, they would all likely die.

                Poof! End of pandemic before it started.

              • @mecfsOP
                8 months ago

                Due to how much smaller the community was yes. Also due to the fact there was limited contact with other communities, that we didn’t live in close proximity to animals in unhygienic conditions.

                It’s a known fact that life expectancy declined with the agricultural revolution, and I think that’s a major reason why.

                I kind of thought this was common knowledge in an anarcho primitivist community, but my bad for being wrong about that, since I am wrong about that, I acknowledge my post was poorly made.

                Edit: Infectious events still occur in hunter gatherer communities, but due to the modalities of covid (loose infectiousness after a couple weeks and recieve a couple months of immunity) it wouldnt have survived beyond an initial infection of a small group.

                • @breadsmasher
                  48 months ago

                  This has been an interesting conversation but I didn’t really consider whatever community this is. I had no idea what anarcho primitism is before seeing this post, and this civil discussion has been enlightening.

                  Don’t take anything I have said as if I understand anything about this community - i browse all/new