In an update to members obtained by The Canadian Press, the union negotiating committee cited the Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ protection of collective action.

It also said the industrial relations board had not expressly barred strikes and lockouts while the tribunal undertook arbitration following Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan’s directive.

“Because the referral by the minister was silent on the issue, AMFA members’ constitutional right to strike must prevail,” the union committee claimed.

  • Maple Engineer
    7 months ago

    There is zero incentive for businesses to negotiate in goods faith if they know that the government will just step in to force workers to accept a worse deal than they could get by striking. It’s time for the workers to take back the power of collective action. If a company can’t pay its workers a fair wage or should not be allowed to operate by paying its workers an unfair wage.

    • Swordgeek
      -17 months ago

      There is zero incentive for businesses to negotiate in goods faith…

      There. That is ALL that needs be said.