• @Ledivin
    8 months ago

    Asia in general is just much more “honest” than the West. If you’re fat, they won’t beat around the bush and say “you’re beautiful the way you are.” If you’re ugly, they won’t hide in platitudes, they’ll say “damn, it must suck that you’re so ugly.”

    It’s not malicious, these are simply facts that they don’t ignore. And, to be honest, I think it’s healthier in a lot of ways. The west has a ridiculously massive weight problem that we just completely ignore - or even actively support - because people are afraid to make anyone feel bad.

    • mozz
      28 months ago

      I took the phone to do a video chat with someone’s central Asian friend and he immediately said “Aw, shit, big fake American smile.” I sort of checked myself like yeah he’s right I do have a big fake bullshit meeting-someone smile on my face. Well now I feel like a dummy.

      It gave me some cultural perspective.