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Got this server for free, so I talked about it on my blog !

Do you guy have any ideas on what I could run or install on this thing ? (For fun of course, nothing serious!)

  • KraftingOP
    18 months ago

    I did get Debian 12 installed on this thing, hard drive configuration was awful (you need a CD for that!!)

    • originalucifer
      18 months ago

      ha, yeah… always keep a burner just in case. i installed a lot of these things. i remember having dozens of those white/blue ibm server disks

      pretty damn reliable once up and running. i only ever had wear and tear failures… fans/drives

      • KraftingOP
        18 months ago

        I’m glad I still have a CD-DVD burner on my laptop for this ahah!

        I still can’t figure out if there is a web interface for “managing” this thing, I know IPMI work, but I’m starting to test things around those ASM ports in the back… Do you have any insight on that by any chance ?