• @deadtom
    103 months ago

    I wonder if conservatives feel personally responsible for persecuting lgbtq folks or their role as staunch defenders of legalized pedophilia in the form of child marraige. Maybe the systemic and pervasive racism they’ve baked into our country and legal system? Oh that’s a feature not a bug?

    This is such an amazing premise that seems to have absolutely zero grounding in reality. They should have tested the concept of “ignorance is bliss”, because there is a whole of that going around and I could see it as a legitimate reason why they may in a mental health capacity be healthier.

    When you are aware of the realities of the world they can take a psychological toll. It does make for a weird combination when you look at their overall “everyone is out to get you so you should hate everyone not like you” mentality, but at least they aren’t worried about their countrymen pulling a civil war or any semblance of the realty of global warming or major health crisis like say a pandemic.

    The idea that conservatives feel any capacity of responsibility for their political actions is just laughable. They would sooner shift blame than consider their ideology has any cracks. Faith doesn’t allow them to consider they might be wrong and any information to the contrary is just fake news.

    Now hold on they need to go vote for a guy that used the pandemic to try to kill his political rivals voters and then lied about losing the election to spark a coupt attempt to attempt to overthrow the duely elected government. They feel so responsible for it they are doing everything to play it down and pretend it didnt happen. But also they are the most patriotic people and don’t forget that.