
  • @afraid_of_zombies
    98 months ago

    He tries to pull an Osama and lives in a cave. Gets caught order Uber eats

    • @JesusSon
      58 months ago

      Alright, listen up. We have a fugitive on the run: Steve Bannon. We need all hands on deck to track him down. Our primary search areas are Taco Bells and other fast food joints. This is a coordinated effort, so follow these instructions carefully.

      First, teams will be deployed to every Taco Bell in the vicinity. Check the dining area, restrooms, and parking lots. Speak with employees and customers. If anyone has seen him, get as much detail as possible about his direction of travel.

      Second, expand the search to other fast food chains: McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, KFC, you name it. These are high-traffic locations where he might blend in easily. Again, cover every corner: inside and out.

      Report in every 30 minutes with updates, even if you don’t find anything. This is a time-sensitive operation, and coordination is key.

      Stay vigilant, stay sharp, and let’s bring Steve Bannon in.

      • @acetanilide
        18 months ago

        What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.