This is one of my favorite songs and videos.

  • @jimmydoreisalefty
    08 months ago

    Wow, what wonderful vocals and production!

    Thanks for sharing; I recommend listening a couple of times!

    Here is some information I was able to find:

    [04:40 | R&B, Latin Music, Colombia, Cumbia, En Español]

    Lido Pimienta (born 1986) is a Colombian Canadian musician, singer, and songwriter. She rose to prominence after her 2016 album, La Papessa, won the 2017 Polaris Music Prize. Her music incorporates a variety of styles and influences, including traditional indigenous and Afro-Colombian musical styles such as Cumbia and Bullerengue, as well as contemporary synthpop and electronic music.

    Both Spanish and English lyrics are shown:

    ‘Eso Que Tu Haces’ es la segunda canción del segundo álbum de Lido Pimienta, ‘Miss Colombia’.

    Esta es una canción R&B y Cumbia, a lo que Lido comentó: “Yo no estoy “rescatando” nada, la música tradicional colombiana está bien parada, yo solo le hago la reverencia que se merece”.

    La letra de esta canción habla sobre un amor existente, pero que por el desinterés de la otra persona, no se siente. Además expresa sobre cómo cambió su personalidad por amor.


    ‘Eso Que Tu Haces’ is the second song from Lido Pimienta’s second album, ‘Miss Colombia’.

    This is an R&B and Cumbia song, referring to as: “I am not “rescuing” anything, Colombian traditional music is well above, I just do the reverence it deserves.”

    The lyrics of this song talk about an existing love, but that because of the other person’s disinterest, it is not felt. She also expresses how she changed her personality for love.
