I’ve spent four hours playing Rage today via the Xbox Series backwards compatibility. (Is it emulation or real hardware?)

Anyway, for an Xbox360 game I think this looks really good and still holds up today. The speedy loading times certainly help as well.

I did try and play a while ago on the PS3. I don’t know if Rage was pushing the PS3 to the limit, but as you turned around, you would catch models and textures loading in. Apparently you could alleviate this a bit by installing an SSD but you’re still limited by the PS3’s older SATA connection.

Having played this on my Series X, I don’t know if the Xbox Series is almost void of this because of the modern hardware or if the Xbox360 version was actually the better machine with this game engine.

I completed Rage 2 a year or so ago when it was given away free on the Epic Game Store and loved it. The original game is essentially the same but on a much smaller scale. It’s a balanced gameplay of driving and FPSs sections.

I LOL’d on my first encounter when I’ve if the bad guys shouted, “Where’s that wanker!” 😆

    • yeehaw
      238 months ago

      I’m speaking my age but in my head retro is frozen in time to be anything prior to the year 2000 😂. That’s just my opinion

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      For me retro is ps2 gen and earlier.

      360 came out when I was in university, so for me, that is jumbled into my adult life.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        I wouldn’t even consider PS2 retro. Maybe some of the earliest PS2 games. But for the most part to me it’s pre Y2K.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Thinking about it more, I like to draw the line there as everything after this generation had some level of internet connectivity. Also PC ports started to become common during this time.

          Once the internet got involved i think gaming in general started to get worse with all the dlc, and micro transactions.

          So the golden age of gaming, for me, is ps2 and earlier which I like to think of as retro.

    • @B0NK3RS
      68 months ago

      No not really but it’s all subjective anyway.

      I remember RAGE we good the first time I played but I really struggled with it last year when I tried it again. Also John Goodman voiced a character at the beginning and then buggers off never to be seen again…

      • UKFilmNerdOP
        28 months ago

        I see what you mean. They could only afford so many lines of dialogue! 😆