Mass Effect has two leads, Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale, but you’ll only hear one of them as Commander Shepard per playthrough. According to player stats, most people play as a guy, meaning Mark Meer is their Shepard throughout the trilogy.

However, Meer encourages players to give FemShep a go - purely so they can enjoy the performance of his co-star, Hale. Speaking with PC Gamer, Meer says that he’s a huge fan of her work, and doesn’t have any problem with players choosing to only play as FemShep because of her performance.

  • @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    I finally finished the third game after all these years. New playthrough of the legendary edition. Femme Shep, but not the new default skin. Something about the face shape looks weird to me.

    Also, I’d avoided spoilers all these years. The ending was as bad as everyone said. I’m late to the party , I know.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      FemShep was in game sculpted until the third game, which is why it looks weird and changes so much from game to game. BroShep on the other hand was a 3d scan of Mark Vanderloo I believe.