She really has the babydoll sexpot look going on for walking around Disney today. Like nips out for Disney? 😬 Good lord dress like a normal person for a long day at a Disney park! It isn’t a fashion show. Literally who dresses like this at a Disney park with your family? She’s so embarrassing.

  • @[email protected]OP
    8 months ago

    She’s a person who says old people’s bodies look like melting ice cream cones and she thinks consent is annoying. I think it’s fair game to claim she should dress “normal” at Disney.

    • @OldManBOMBIN
      48 months ago

      You know, on second thought, I’m going to unwhoosh your comment. I see now that the joke was likely not lost on you, but you were merely commenting on the fact that her appearance is dreadful enough that playing the whatabout game is no excuse. And I agree with this.

      • @[email protected]OP
        48 months ago

        Appreciate you coming back to say this. Your joke definitely didn’t go over my head at all.

        • @OldManBOMBIN
          58 months ago

          No problem. The world is better when we are willing and able to call out our own faults as often as we call out others’. I apologize for discrediting your comprehension.

            • @OldManBOMBIN
              58 months ago

              Not at all; I came barging in off the street plastering photos of myself in too-small women’s clothing and hurling accusations around like a chimp, so the apologies are all mine.