• @chaonaut
    63 days ago

    And yet you’re conversant in the idea of SJWs and keyboard warriors. Where did you come by that idea, and who are these people whose political existence is so sharply limited to online discourse?

      • @chaonaut
        63 days ago

        I was there for it, and watched it happen. I’m familiar with the sort of people who popularized the idea that Social Justice is something to be derided. I’m not too keen on basing my idea of what is bad social justice on the definition that comes to us from the people who thought journalistic malpractice was based on who Zoe Quinn’s ex was mad at.

          • Anvil Lavigne
            3 days ago

            you are a sad person. no substance, no spine.

            go ahead, call me “kiddo.” tell me how you’re totally super active in local politics. say “propagandist” again. say all the shit you’re busy repeating here, day in, day out.

            • @[email protected]
              3 days ago

              Propagandist. (Only doing what you asked)

              I’m seeing that you seem to have no problem with all the “don’t vote!” And anti-Biden bullshit here. So maybe we shouldn’t be taking a stance on the bias of others here, hmmmm?