Why is Pixel Dungeon so underground? To me, it seems basically like a turn-based souls game. I am playing this game for 2 years now (The OG Pixel Dungeon) and i still find new content, like its infinite.

  • @aztcd
    38 months ago

    As a roguelike game, it is obviously too difficult for a game like Candy Crush Saga. In fact, the test mode should be guidized to reduce the difficulty and attract more new players.

    • @Riversedgeknight1
      18 months ago

      Having a guided tutorial would defeat the purpose of a rogue like. The point of a rogue like is to learn about the game as you play, with the only thing getting upgraded as you retry is you. A guided tutorial shortcuts this, and while rogue likes certainly aren’t for everyone, that doesn’t mean that PD shouldn’t be a traditional rogue like.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        There are some things that could stand to be fleshed out better in the explanations, though. Like, where am I supposed to go if I want to know if the light cloak rogue perk will still work with his mystical meal perk? Mystical meal doesn’t specify it has to be equipped artifacts. It doubly doesn’t say if cloak is an exception.

        • @Riversedgeknight1
          18 months ago

          I haven’t tested it, but I would assume the cloak functions like normal, which means it is affected by artifact recharging buff and ring of energy.

      • @chonglibloodsport
        17 months ago

        Sil is a roguelike with a built-in tutorial. It teaches you the basics of the game but leaves the vast majority for you to figure out yourself. It’s far more difficult than SPD (the only Pixel Dungeon variant I’ve played).