• @merthyr1831
    -102 days ago

    Can’t believe people were seriously claiming this app was controlled by tankies a few weeks ago because a genocidal sundowning pensioner has suddenly got this ENTIRE platform clamouring to defend him because they can’t bring themselves to realise how badly they fucked up by ever allowing the petulant child-sniffing freak to ever run in the first place.

    This man is all yours. He enabled a genocide and oversaw the largest attack on your civil rights in a generation without anything but a few tweets, but you’ll all cream over a very obviously PR-written tweet versus a man who runs circles around him only because he also hasn’t succumbed to his own mental degradation yet.

    • @[email protected]
      -32 days ago

      Politics to America liberals is all about optics and aesthetics. No substance. They have been shown to effortlessly swallow genocide so long as the accused is “presidential” and “civil” and “someone you could share a beer with”. Never-mind actual, substantive policy issues that actually materially affect Americans.

      • @merthyr1831
        -32 days ago

        It’s even worse, though. They’ve all seen the emperor without his clothes - barely able to form a coherent sentence whilst his aides scramble to keep him from mentally deteriorating into a coma before November. Yet I’m watching liberals convince themselves that his PR-controlled twitter is somehow evidence that the president is not only lucid but competent.