• @I_Clean_Here
    -373 days ago

    Casual victim blaming Hilary, ignoring the massive propaganda campaign against her, sponsored by a foreign government.

    How very American of you.

    Trump and the Russians are to blame, not Hillary.

    • @Passerby6497
      293 days ago

      Trump and the Russians are to blame, not Hillary.

      Did trump and the Republicans prevent her from campaigning in swing states and heavily campaigning in democratic strongholds?

      Hillary absolutely deserves blame for how her candidacy fucked the dog so hard she lost to Donald trump. She doesn’t deserve all the blame for her loss by any stretch, but she does not need to be sanctified as a martyr of some kind.

    • deaf_fish
      123 days ago

      I didn’t blame Hillary. Hillary did her best. I blame the Democratic organization who decided to run Hillary. They could have run Bernie. They could have run somebody who had more charisma.

      The average voter is retarded. They need to see strength and charisma.