Y’all should dread voting for Biden. You should be weeping as you cast your vote. Don’t you see the tragedy in all of this? You have no choice but to vote for genocide, for some of you, it’s your own genocide you’re voting for.

In fiction, when no choice is given but the tragic choice, heroes choose the tragic choice and face all the grief and regret that comes with it. Reality is stranger than fiction. When y’all are faced with no choice but tragedy, you beat your drums in happy anticipation of your own belated doom. This is what sickens me about you sick Yanks. You have no sense of the tragedy you face before you. It is said a vote is not a wedding vow; they are correct: it is worse, for it means inevitable murder down the line. Biden will kill Palestinians, Filipinos, Black folk, immigrants, and Congolese, and you cheer on their genocide.

Vote, for sure, go ahead, vote the lesser evil. But you have to be cognizant of the tragedy of it all. You must feel our grief.

But you won’t. You’ll probably cheer my death as well.

  • @Geek_King
    143 months ago

    Cutting off your nose to spite your face? I abhor what’s going on in Gaza, but I won’t welcome in fascism by either voting for trump, or just not voting. Especially after the ruling the supreme court handed down, which would let trump do what ever he wants with no worries of legal ramifications. A second trump term will be much much worse than his first term.

    • MambabasaOP
      -53 months ago

      Did I say not to vote? I said recognize the tragedy in your choice. You still won’t. You’ll cheer on as Biden authorizes more murder. You sicken me.