• @Blue_Morpho
    18 months ago

    We’ve gone through the list and you’ve been wrong on every point. You showed a picture of 1989 style goggles as proof of a prediction in 1999 that there would be eyeglass ar by 2009.

    You used a 1997 palm pilot with mechanical buttons as evidence for a 1999 prediction that by 2009 people would be using computers with no mechanical input.

    You were unaware that Dragon Dictate with full voice recognition and control was sold in 1997. This was 2 years before Kurzweil predicted voice input would be available by 2009.

    You didn’t provide any example of highway self driving by 2009 or smart road sensors to enable that self driving. There were already basic road sensors in the early 90’s and nothing new by 2009.

    You would self evaluate yourself that 1x1 = 1 is correct just like Terrance Howard.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Nope, you’ve set incorrect parameters and made incorrect assumptions.

      That doesn’t mean that kurzweil was wrong, that means that your parameters and assumptions are incorrect.

      • @Blue_Morpho
        18 months ago

        Kurzweil made the parameters. In 1999 he made specific predictions that he claimed would happen by 2009.

        If I make a specific prediction today that something will happen in 10 years and it doesn’t, that’s my mistake, not yours.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Nope, you are straight-up lying.

          The claim: kurzweil has “tons [this means “a lot”] of corect predictions”.

          Your parameters:

          1. Pointedly gnoring at least 100 of his predictions that critics agree carne true

          2. incorrectly assuming he made all the 2009 predictions and wrote the book in a single day January 1, 1999, the day the book was published and printed

          3. Arguing insignificant details of a minority of my personal offhand examples illustrating his predictions rather than addressing the actual predictions kurzweil makes

          Your arguments, assumptions, misdirects and mistakes are not germane to the original correct statement that kurzweil has many correct predictions, and despite your efforts have proved yourself that even by your restrictive conditions, the majority of his predictions are true.

          The statement "Kurzweil made tons of correct predictions is true.

          You’ve been swinging and missing for days now, and you aren’t even on the field.

          Don’t let me stop you, though.

          • @Blue_Morpho
            18 months ago

            You can’t say I’ve ignored his 100 correct predictions when you haven’t provided a list of the 100 correct predictions from his 1999 book that he made for the year 2009.

            List the 100 correct predictions with exact source: book name, page number.

            You made the assertion. You defend it.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              Naturally, you are making incorrect assumptions again.

              My point is that kurzweil has made many correct predictions.

              You proved that he’s made over 80% correct predictions, within your parameters.

              You constructed the parameters from specifically one book and the wrong year, and haven’t been able to disprove those examples regardless.

              I’m fine winning on those examples alone, I’m just pointing out that you’re also ignoring the over 60% of his other correct predictions.

              Even if you hadn’t failed in disproving more than a soft 20% of the predictions from this book, you have another 100+ predictions to dispute. And he still has an 80 plus percent record within your confining and shifting parameters.

              Swing away.

              • @Blue_Morpho
                18 months ago

                You proved that he’s made over 80% correct predictions, within your parameters.

                You failed in every rebuttal. The palm pilot was not the computer without mechanical parts he predicted in 1999 for 2009. There were no driverless cars on the highway “Once your car’s computer guidance system locks onto the control sensors on one of these highways, you can sit back and relax.” Voice recognition existed before 1999 but his prediction was “Most text created using speech recognition” by 2009. Giant 1980’s AR goggles were not the eyeglass AR he predicted for 2009. “Displays will be built into our eyeglasses and contact lenses and images projected directly onto our retinas.” A webpage saying thank you for your order is not the virtual personality he predicted. “Often, the virtual personality includes an animated visual presence that looks like a human face.”

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  You confining your rebuttals to inaccurate years and my illustrative examples rather than the content of the predictions makes your assumptions and arguments and incorrect.

                  • @Blue_Morpho
                    18 months ago

                    IN 1999 Kurzweil made predictions for 2009.

                    It’s very simple.