Let’s see if this community still is active.

I’m not sure if it’s officially agreed upon, but I would say the release of Doom in '93 properly marked the beginning of a golden age of PC gaming. Modern homogenisation and monetisation hadn’t set in yet and over the next decade or so the PC gaming landscape would be full of innovation and passion, with a sea of classics being released in that time frame… but when did it end? Was there a specific watershed game that signalled a shift in the landscape?

This topic has been on my mind for a while, because I’ve pondered on whether there is an open niche for a community dedicated to games of this era. They’re not quite at home in Retro Gaming subs, but still old enough now that they might warrant their own corner separate from main gaming spaces.

  • @comfyquaker
    48 months ago

    i think to a degree implementations of services like Games for Windows Live stopped the first golden age for larger studio type games. ofc not all games were GFW but such a service that after its cancellation caused some games to just become unplayable on PC was wild.