I’m curious what yalls expierence with this is

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    Opposite end of the aisle here, but I hope my comment is welcome. I think a lot of this stems from the bioessentially prescriptivist attitudes a lot of people have. It’s for similar reasons that trans women are often framed as predators in women’s spaces that trans men are framed as “smol beans” to protect, or misguided by the Trans Agenda™. It’s an assigning of hyperagengy to AMABs and hypoagency to AFABs, and it’s really gross.

    The most “fun” part I’m guessing is when you call it out as a reactionary attitude and cue the shock and horror to the thought, that maybe unsolicited infantilization doesn’t paint transmascs in the positive light they think it does.

    • @Dkarma
      23 months ago

      I think a lot of this comes from the idea of “passing”. It’s much easier from what I’ve seen for trans men to pass than trans women… primarily because of facial hair and body structure if the person is not on hrt.

      • @TheIntrovertedSlut
        13 months ago

        That opinion’s based on what kind of evidence? Anything queer enough, away from the societal expectations, gets pushback.