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The DNC is the only reason you’re not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.

  • deweydecibel
    73 months ago

    I love how the narrative focuses on 2016 and not 2020, where he lost all on his own.

    • @jordanlund
      -33 months ago

      Dude had a heart attack in 2020, that takes it out of you.

    • @[email protected]
      -53 months ago

      Nah, he lost because the people that are still posting this shit didn’t spend half the energy turning put to vote in the primaries that they do complaining about everyone who did.

      Anyone else remember how “low information voters” kept coming up whenever the significantly black state primaries swung for Clinton or Biden?

      • @krashmo
        243 months ago

        Are you forgetting all the primaries Sanders won early? Are you intentionally ignoring the orchestrated dropouts and back room deals that allowed the centrist wing of the party to coalesce behind Biden at the exact moment he needed them to? You must be because all you’re talking about here is the great liberal paradise of South Carolina. How many EC votes did Biden win for taking SC? Oh yeah, zero because it’s a red state that doesn’t vote for Democrats in the general election but for some reason people like you love to point at it and pretend that a black Democrat in the South is the primary target of a DNC Presidential campaign.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I love this kvetch that basically amounts to "it’s unfair that the centrists realized they had a combined majority and then acted like it!"

          Your key accusation is an admission that the man was not even a winner among the party he was running in and that the only reason he was doing so well was because of the spoiler effect.

          1912 must look like the most legit election in American history to you! 40% of the popular vote is plenty of a mandate for ol’ Wilson!

          Had Bernie had the same turnout in a system that isn’t ass backwards like FPTP he would never have been able to escape second place in any of the primaries.

          • @krashmo
            03 months ago

            You and I both know that the DNC exploits the system they created at every opportunity, often against the wishes of a majority of voters, in order to help centrists maintain control of the party. If you want to equate a closed primary process with a national general election in order to feel better about supporting anti-democrtatic power consolidation then that is your choice to make but it isn’t the same and somewhere in that brain of yours you fucking know it. That’s exactly why you will say stuff like “people didn’t show up in the primaries” and completely gloss over all the polling that says they would have in the general election.

            I’ll never understand this “centrists win elections” take either. Obama ran on a progressive platform and won handily twice in a row. Yet as soon as his 2nd term was over you guys went back to saying progressives can’t win elections as if the previous 8 years were a fluke instead of a roadmap for future campaigns. That makes no fucking sense at all. Now here we are getting ready to blame everyone who doesn’t want to work with literal fascists for losing this election when all you guys need to do is listen to polling and get out of the god damn way.

            • @daltotron
              23 months ago

              That dude has had this exact conversation like 10 different times on here and ever time they come up against the same talking points of like, superdelegates or backroom deals or whatever, they mostly just don’t respond at all. They’re not a serious interlocutor, you’re wasting your breath.

              • @krashmo
                03 months ago

                It’s cool. At this point I generally assume that whoever I’m talking to on the internet is not interested in having an actual conversation which means what I say is mostly for the benefit of anyone else reading. If it turns into a productive discussion that’s just an added bonus. Maybe that’s too pessimistic but it usually keeps me from being overly confrontational and that’s a good thing.

                • @daltotron
                  13 months ago

                  Nah, I do the same thing, I’ve just mostly learned that even any external observer is likely to not care either, so instead of doing it for a theoretical person out there, I’ve learned that I’m just secretly doing it because I want to feed my worst instincts.

                  • @krashmo
                    03 months ago

                    Haha I’m sure there’s some of that going on as well. However, I often read through other people’s threads and upvote good comments. I’ve even had my mind changed about some things doing that. It may be rare but it does happen.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        An establishment cheerleader accusing the left of being condescending. That’s hilarious.