• lost_faith
    128 months ago

    Is not teachers’ job to instill good morals in kids.

    That would be on the parents

    • @naught101
      18 months ago

      Yes, but also on broader society. 100 years ago that would have been contained - people in you’re neighbourhood would know you and help out. It’s a lot harder in the internet age

      • AJ Sadauskas
        18 months ago

        @naught101 @lost_faith It predates the internet.

        Back in 2000, a guy named Robert Putnam wrote a book based on his research into why there has been a breakdown in community in America: http://bowlingalone.com/

        (If you ever hear someone use the phrase “social capital”, they’re alluding to his research.)

        • @naught101
          28 months ago

          Oh yeah, for sure. Wasn’t meaning to imply this is ONLY because of the internet. The car also has a lot to answer for, as well as presumably many other factors.