Hey everyone!

I wanted to share a working demo of @digital-alchemy/pi-matrix with you all. It is currently running on this raspberry pi setup, with my automation system posting layout and content updates to it.

Most of the data being rendered on the display is directly sourced from Home Assistant, including the calendar lines. The todo list is completely custom and gets merged into the calendar lines to form a priority-sorted list of upcoming tasks. The lines on the left subtly distinguish the type of each line item with color. Additionally, the display can show various alerts and real-time stats when they are relevant.

The hardware setup consists of an old power supply, Raspberry Pi, USB speaker, and an array of Adafruit RGB matrix panels attached to extruded aluminum using magnets. The hardware has undergone significant improvements since the original prototypes, with each panel now having its own dedicated power and ground lines from the supply, a chonky heat sink, and an additional speaker added in the most recent revision.

The Pi is connected to a UPS, and the panels/power supply itself is connected to a smart plug, seamlessly integrated into my room scenes. The entire setup fits seamlessly into my room and automation setup. The combination of readily available hardware and open-source software has been a perfect match for me. Initially, I designed this project to help me stay on top of my chores despite having ADHD. The “red text silently judging me from above my screen” effect has been incredibly effective in helping me act like a properly functioning adult.

I hope you find this project as fascinating as I do! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

  • @Marduk73
    22 years ago

    It’s beautiful Clark. The little lights aren’t blinking Clark. Very nice. Love the hacky practicality.