Going through some boxes and found a stack of old White Dwarf. I’ll keep the first issue I ever bought as a memory but planning to get rid of the rest. Just wanted to check if there are people collecting these before they go into the recycling bin. If anyone’s interested I can make a list of which ones I have, and I’ll send them to anyone willing to pay for postage. Located in Sweden.

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    You might check your friendly local game store(s) too! Some of them might be willing to buy them from you or put you in touch with local folks who would be interested.

    • ffheinOP
      7 months ago

      Thanks for the tip, but I asked a while ago and they gave me a weird look and said they weren’t interested in any old games. They don’t sell any second hand stuff, and I suppose they rather sell something new to people instead of helping people find new owners. I did however bring all of my unpainted minis to a games convention a few years ago and traded them for other games. They didn’t want rules / starter boxes or magazines though, I think that’s more difficult to sell.

      Melast paid for shipping so all the old WDs are on their way to their new home though :) I still have the Citadel Miniatures 1994 catalogue if anyone is interested, but it’s mostly black and white photos of unpainted minis and it weights 750g. I.e. a bit expensive to mail and probably not very interesting for most people unless they’re collectors

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I don’t know about selling directly to shops. A lot of owners can be weird about that. I’ve made plenty of deals with people playing at the shops, though.