• @SchmidtGeneticsOP
    13 months ago

    I believe they are oriental Lilies, planted an assortment of oriental and asiatic iirc.

    • Mom Nom Mom
      13 months ago

      If they don’t smell and tend to stay a lot shorter, they’re more likely to be the asiatics. If they grow a lot taller and have a smell (that I personally love), they’re probably the oriental type.

      Trumpet and daylilies (along with lily of the valley, calla lily, toad lily, easter lily, turk’s cap, and several others, are a lot easier to tell apart based on looks, but the Asiatic and Oriental types always confuse me until I smell them!

      Some references (which, I have to use something as reference every year):

      • @SchmidtGeneticsOP
        3 months ago

        Thanks still learning, I even googled it before commenting and STILL fucked it up… uggh hahah. They are a foot tall, the others are 3-4 feet and haven’t started forming full bulbs yet. Made a post a few days ago.

        Great comment growmie!

        • Mom Nom Mom
          23 months ago

          No worries! Like I said, I always have to check, between those 2. Looks like you’ll have a ton coming in over the next weeks - of both!

          So I guess I have a ton of the Asiatic lilies, a lot of the OT hybrid (also sometimes called Orienpet, but that sorta sounds silly to me), a few trumpets, and a couple oriental.
          Also, that many of the flowers that were sold as star gazer bulbs were definitely not.