• Flying SquidOP
    23 months ago

    Nope. Responding to something silly you said by pointing out that the so-called Ancient Greek scientists you like were wrong on virtually every explanation of how the universe worked is not trolling.

    • @[email protected]
      03 months ago

      How are you the same person.

      On one hand wielding “the scientific method” like its the literal bible that shan’t be questioned and it somehow being relevant to us not having found archeological evidence of ancient agriculture.

      In the same breath you dismiss the entirety of contributions that were brought by the ancient greek as a whole. An entire culture and people with so much rich history?

      I can only conceive your just trying to use the very little personal opinion i gave to diss is. In which case at least diss on plato specifically (or decartis cause i mentioned liking him to)

      Come on, it like your not even trying anymore.

      • Flying SquidOP
        13 months ago

        You can praise the contributions of the Ancient Greeks, but that doesn’t change the fact that they were wrong about practically everything.

        Nothing you can possibly say will make their conceptions of the universe correct. Democratus will never be correct about atoms no matter how much you want him to be. Similarly, Pythagoras will never be right about beans.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I am not praising them actually, not anymore then i do the scientific method. They were biased humans just like usz But they layed the fundamental groundwork modern science works on. I mentioned them cause there well regarded as foundational in science and plato just resonates with me. i remain just as much a skeptic and of the opinion one need to come to their own conclusions.

          And if you want to label and entire culture on some Mistakes may i point to our much more modern friend columbus?

          For me its not about their results but the style of thinking. Like i said the platonian way of viewing the world aligns with my natural way of experiencing the universe.

          My message is to be of an open and critical mind. To use thoughts in an intentional structural and creative way to uncover new ground. Oh well.

          • Flying SquidOP
            13 months ago

            This sure looks like praise to me:

            Personally i found that post education i relate much more to the ancient greek ideas of science. Particularly in using philosophy to expand once thinking but also seeing the mathematics in the world around me.

            But hey, if you’re going to just lie about things, I can see why you reject modern science. And yes, you do reject it.

            • @[email protected]
              03 months ago

              your reading comprehension and inability to see beyond your narrow viewpoint is depressing.

              I can only conclude it doesn’t matter how carefully i spell out my intend, you will just assume your own interpretation over it.

              This is no basis for a respectful conversion. Though to be fair you attitude has been consistently rude. I should have taken the hint and left long ago.

              • Flying SquidOP
                13 months ago

                Sorry, insulting me is not going to change the fact that you said you didn’t praise them when that’s exactly what you did.

                • @[email protected]
                  03 months ago

                  Boohoohoo someone on the internet is being mean to me after i called them a liar for not putting the same emphasis on the vocabulary of my choosing and was genuinely disrespectful and rude for the entire conversation.

                  Maybe reflect on how you spend the last 24 hours passionately arguing against what is essentially a very generic PSA: “With an open mind, anything is possible.” followed with a healthy dose of “Philosophy is useful in tangent with science” Which honestly i am not inventing the wheel here i was initially just trying to have good vibes.

                  • Flying SquidOP
                    23 months ago

                    None of that will change the fact that you said you didn’t praise them when you did praise them either. Sorry.