Insert horrified looks when I tell me friends some “funny stories” from my childhood. :D

  • @SeattleRain
    -23 months ago

    Exhibit A: They’re politics. All the problems we have today were voted in by them

    Exhibit B: They are objectively less educated than later generations.

    I could go on

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      23 months ago

      Less educated, but you failed to provide the requsted actual objective proof and substituted opinion? Less educated, yet you can’t use “they’re” properly? Your actions seem to indicate you’re a secret Gen X’er by your own metrics. Many of our political problems stem from the Reagan Administration, yet Gen X, which started in 1965 (and I think that’s too early to start that bracket), would have been too young to legally vote for Reagan.

      I could go on

      Oh, by all means. Please do.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          3 months ago

          Well, I guess that means X are the “most ignorant people alive”.

          • @SeattleRain
            03 months ago

            I said they’re less educated, OBJECTIVELY. This proves that yes? And being less educated comes with a whole host of implications especially if you’re wealthy and grew up with a superiority complex.

            • @RememberTheApollo_
              3 months ago


              You said they were “the most ignorant people alive.”

              Objectively sir you are wrong.

              • @SeattleRain
                13 months ago

                Yes, ignorant means you don’t know things. Being educated is a HUGE indicator of that. There’s exceptions but you’re kidding yourself if you think it’s the norm.

      • @SeattleRain
        03 months ago

        Oh, by all means. Please do.

        Boomers and Gen X are also hording all the homes in the midst of half decade long housing crisis.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          23 months ago

          Where does it say that Gen X is buying up multiple homes - you did say “hoarding”, so that means purchasing multiples…?

            • @RememberTheApollo_
              23 months ago

              That’s meaningless. It’s a $ amount, not a property count.

              • @SeattleRain
                13 months ago

                So what, you think millennials own huge tracks of empty land? You’re not a serious person.

            • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
              3 months ago

              “On average, people who have been alive longer have more money” - shocking news!!

              Edit, because I want to add I agree that generational wealth disparity is an issue, but the data you’re presenting is bad and does not help your argument. Additionally, it has nothing to do with your original statement and you’re going off on weird tangents. Utilizing the system as it is designed is not ignorant. It’s a bad system and needs to be replaced, but that’s a different beast altogether. Anyway, carry on.

              • @SeattleRain
                13 months ago

                I’m not going off on weird tangents. The person I responded to encouraged me to “go on” regarding the detrimental effect Boomers and Gen X have had on later generations.

                And no this is demonstrably not due to some “generational wealth”. It’s because of reactionary housing policies that boomers enacted to benefit themselves. From redlining, to Realtor steering, to draconian eviction laws, to tax breaks, to white flight, etc etc.

                You don’t even necessarily see this extreme hoarding in other western countries like Japan where homes can actually be free in some circumstances.

                • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
                  13 months ago

                  Okay, again, I don’t disagree, but you’re talking past me.

      • @SeattleRain
        -23 months ago

        Less educated, yet you can’t use “they’re” properly?

        Bro it’s called autocorrect. This is what mean, your generation is not tech literate either.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          33 months ago

          Lol, your response is “No, u…” because you can’t be bothered to proofread?

          I’m getting a pretty solid impression that you blame others for your problems while accepting no responsibility for your part in them.

          Have a nice day.

          • @SeattleRain
            -13 months ago

            I posted my proof. And this is the lame ass deflection tactics your generation always uses. You’re trying to discredit all my arguments because of one typo. And no, I don’t proof read for internet arguments. It’s not that important to me.

            But you know go ahead and tell yourself you’re right because you want to conflate a lack of education with autocorrect typos.

            • @RememberTheApollo_
              3 months ago

              No, you posted statistics that show silent and boomer generations as less educated than X, and millennials marginally more educated than X. So therefore by your own statistics boomers and silent are the most ignorant generations alive. You can’t even read your own statistics. You have a conclusion that you’re sticking to no matter what, even if your own “proof” proves you wrong. You skipped past every other rebuttal I offered or you blame autocorrect, boomers, and X for everything wrong. You didn’t even know who Gen X could vote for, and I bet you didn’t even check to see who the largest voting blocks were for following presidents. You just keep making shit up to suit who you want to blame for whatever issues you have.

              Dude, just stop. Pretty shitty attitude when every X’er I know understands millennial problems, along with following gens, and really fucking hopes you can get your ass out there and vote so ALL of us can fix shit and live in a better place. E: feel free to check my comment history if you want to know where I stand.

              • @SeattleRain
                -23 months ago

                You’re just arguing semantics like a pedantic dweeb. In not sure how proving Gen X and Boomers are less educated than millennials disproves my point about them being the most ignorant.

                Everything you’ve said just amounts to “nuh uh”. I’ve posted several stats showing Boomers have less education, and have the most real estate. You’ve yet to produce one single fact. But you sure caught that one typo, bravo.

                And you make up you’re own definitions like with Reagan. I KNOW Gen X couldn’t have voted for Regan. But many of them did vote for Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and a slew of reactionary politician at every level of government.

                Cope as much as you like but THE PAST IS PROLOGUE. While millennials bare some responsibility many of today’s societal ills can be traced back to decisions made before their time.

                And we CONTINUE see these reactionary politics from Boomers and Gen X. The average age of a Republican is 55. Squarely in the age range of Boomers and Gen X.

                TL;DR Refute what I said with FACTS are shut up.

    • @Agrivar
      13 months ago

      You’re an idiot.

      • @SeattleRain
        -13 months ago

        Where’s the lie? I’m generalizing but Boomers and to a lesser extent Gen Xers have slavishly worked to sabotage the wealth and health of latter generations. If there’s animosity between the gens it’s because of them.