We once planted 6 different herbs in a rectangle planter including chocolate mint and spearmint, next year the whole planter and part of the one beside only contained chocolate mint.
I can somehow kill dill. About the time it gets big enough to harvest some, it just bolts and dies. Even with a sun shade. I have to replant it every year.
Once you have mint growing in your garden/yard, you will never not have mint
Broadleaf herbicide keeps my neighbor’s mint infestation on his side without much issue. No worse than the violet, really. His kudzu is the only thing that causes a problem.
I managed to kill mint that was in a big planting pot. We had a very hot and dry spell and it just didn’t come back the next year. I was flabbergasted.
Also in my new house, animals ate the mint all the way to the ground. Never had that happen before!
Ivy and brush formula round up appears to have done the trick on the patch in my yard some asshole previous owner spread. I don’t want a mono-culture yard but I hate both the smell and taste of mint. If there’s one herb I could do away with forever that would be it
And it’s stupid easy to grow. Once you have mint growing in your garden/yard, you will never not have mint growing in your garden/yard/neighbors yard.
We once planted 6 different herbs in a rectangle planter including chocolate mint and spearmint, next year the whole planter and part of the one beside only contained chocolate mint.
It took over a entire section of our garden as a kid. I chewed that shit all day every day every summer.
That sounds like a pretty good memory.
Don’t have tons. Thanks for making a point of that. Going in the gratitude journal.
That’s unless you also have dill.
Immovable object meets unstoppable force.
Made a herb planter pot thing for my mom for mother’s day a few years ago, dill still going strong even with the cat munching on it
Nobody going to mention bamboo? Ok, I’ll mention bamboo.
I can somehow kill dill. About the time it gets big enough to harvest some, it just bolts and dies. Even with a sun shade. I have to replant it every year.
Maybe your soil is not compatible, idk.
I love how the mint just spreads from your yard to your neighbor’s yard.
It’s a gift that keeps on giving. Forcefully. My neighbors hate me.
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Broadleaf herbicide keeps my neighbor’s mint infestation on his side without much issue. No worse than the violet, really. His kudzu is the only thing that causes a problem.
I managed to kill mint that was in a big planting pot. We had a very hot and dry spell and it just didn’t come back the next year. I was flabbergasted.
Also in my new house, animals ate the mint all the way to the ground. Never had that happen before!
Ivy and brush formula round up appears to have done the trick on the patch in my yard some asshole previous owner spread. I don’t want a mono-culture yard but I hate both the smell and taste of mint. If there’s one herb I could do away with forever that would be it