For example, a band like Joy Division. Two masterpiece albums in the form of Unknown Pleasures and Closer, and the untimely death of Ian Curtis cut it all short. They were even heading into the direction that New Order eventually went in, and it would have been interesting to see what Ian Curtis would have done if they fully made the leap into electronic music while he was still alive.

  • Redhotkurt
    101 year ago

    Fuck, that was so tragic. Would it have changed his life if he had lived a couple more months? Would he have cleaned up and gotten his shit together? We’ll never know. The news really cast a pall over that year, especially for those who already knew of Sublime. It just felt so unfair, man. We had finally come to accept Kurt’s death, were still mourning Shannon’s passing, and now Brad, who never got to reap the fruits of his labor, was gone. He left us a gift, and I mean one hell of a gift because it’s a freaking beautiful album, but it’s hard to not wonder “what if?”

    Like Kurt and Shannon, he was just so wonderfully talented and beloved, the world suddenly felt very cold and slightly less bright in his absence. Just so unfair. Pour one out for Brad, he is still sorely missed.

    • @Kaliax
      41 year ago

      Well said. I also think people would dig more of their catalog/non mainstream recordings. Brad’s voice was magic imo.

      • @Tankaus
        41 year ago

        Pure gold, without a doubt. I’ve seem them with Rome and while I do like his style, it’s just not the same. I was supposed to see them right before Brad’s passing.

        • @_cerpin_taxt_
          21 year ago

          Rome is no Bradley, but he’s excellent in his own respect.

    • LegendofDragoon
      31 year ago

      Hard to say whether it would have changed anything. He was in a vicious cycle that’s claimed many before and since, but it would have been nice to at least have him see the magic he brought into the world.