Personally, I find it kind of difficult to follow local (i.e. town/city) news in my area, so I’m curious if others elsewhere are experiencing similar, or if you’ve had better luck somehow.

Part of this I think may be self-inflicted on my end, as I don’t really watch televised news nor use corporate social media, but even when I have skimmed over those, they tended to cover larger cities & broader areas instead.

Btw, you don’t need to mention news orgs/sites you follow that might give away your location, I’m just curious about the general state of local news for you, e.g. whether they’re still around via newspaper/website or if you’ve also found yourself in an awkward limbo where it’s larger cities/region news over your own immediate area.

  • @eneka
    21 year ago

    There’s a local news company for me that has multiple sites for all the cities/counties in my area (arlnow, ffxnow, alxnow, Tyson’s reporter) that I find useful with local events, news and whatnot.