• Lightor
    29 days ago

    Ok, let’s talk material. Do you honestly think a 3rd party candidate can win this presidency?

    If the Democrats lose look at project 2025 for you answers. They have already enforced book bans and repealed many rights. The plan to continue to do that. And not voting for the best chance to stop that is a vote for it.

    • @[email protected]
      39 days ago

      Exit polling from 92 showed that if everyone who wanted to vote for Perot but didn’t had actually voted for Perot he would have won both the electoral college and the popular vote.

      I do think a third party can win this election for president.

      But why not assume I said that I don’t think a third party can win and respond to that? It would probably be more interesting for both of us.

      So leaving aside your war on terror ass parting shot there at the end, if the democrats are really worried about project 2025 and they know that the last time trump was declared the loser there were people ready to do January 6, why do you think pushing people to vote against it this time is the best response?

      Why, if it is how you just said it is, would the democrats not be training, organizing and arming a group to actually oppose it?

      It’s like if the American idol call in vote was to keep a puppy from getting smashed on live tv by a slowly advancing steamroller. The democrats are in power. There was just a Supreme Court ruling codifying the powers of the executive, who is a democrat. The democrats don’t need our vote to stop project 2025, they’re in the studio watching the steamroller advance on the puppy!

      They can literally actually do something about it!

      • Lightor
        19 days ago

        Ok, your evidence is a speculative vote that hinges on getting everyone to buy into that idea at once. It’s not going to happen, without ranked choice voting a 3rd party president will never be.

        Your whole stance is Dems are bad, 3rd party is better. But you live in a fantasy world where you’re throwing your vote away to prove a point rather than actually have an impact on the outcome. Vote dem, then get ranked choice voting, then 3rd party has a chance. With Republicans you won’t even keep mail in voting let alone expand it.

        Even if you consider them both bad, you have the choice to choose the least bad guy to avoid losing more voter rights. Instead you’re taking your view and using it to push an agenda that Republicans won’t care about if they’re in power. And by you not voting for the best chance to stop them you’re giving them a better shot at it.

        • @[email protected]
          29 days ago

          First things first: a third party vote isn’t throwing your vote away. Third party votes get tallied just like votes for republicans and democrats and even if the parties and candidates those votes are cast for don’t win, they confer real material gains like ballot presence, mandatory funding, event presence, media coverage and public awareness, like I said.

          Second, I am not voting to prove a point. I am voting to make my voice heard. If one of the two major parties hears my voice and decides to adopt some of the positions of a party that I voted for then that’s great, maybe I’ll give them a chance next time.

          It is not possible to vote against a candidate. You can only vote for a candidate. There is no second, different colored pen they hand you to fill in the bubble next to the candidate you don’t want to win.

          I cant vote against trump, I can only vote for some candidate. My vote will never be interpreted as a vote against trump, it will only ever be interpreted as a vote in support of the candidate I cast it for.

          If my vote doesn’t have an impact on the outcome then how can it help or harm either major party?