2 picks for me: Stardew Valley, most boring shit ever, I don’t see the appeal, seriously how the hell did that thing sold 20 million copies?

And Witcher 3, I own that game since 2019 and I regret buying it, funny thing is that I’ve finished Dragon Age 1 and 2, which are kinda same genre but I actually enjoyed those games. I guess the old BioWare sauce carried those games unlike Witcher where there’s nothing to enjoy in its massive pointless world.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Pretty much every first party Nintendo game, especially Mario and the Zelda series. I’ve had some enjoyment from the 2D era Zelda games at least, but have yet to finish any of them as they just don’t seem to hold my attention.

    I’ll reserve my judgement on the most recent Zelda game as I understand it’s quite different from the classic 3D and 2D games, but I don’t have any particular desire to give Nintendo money given their increasingly lawyer heavy behaviour.

      • @ThickQuiveringTip
        58 months ago

        I agree. I cannot finish it. It shouldn’t be a Zelda game.

      • Khrux
        28 months ago

        I really enjoyed Breath of the Wild although I haven’t tried Tears for the Kingdom. It really suited me but it’s lack of direction is how I play every open world game anyway. I actually can’t go back to other AAA open world games without getting irritated by how hand holding and limiting they are of their own medium, but it wasn’t just breath of the wild that made me realise that.

        • Bibliotectress
          38 months ago

          I’d you enjoyed Breath of the Wild, you’ll probably love Tears of the Kingdom. Some people felt it wasn’t different enough from Breath of the Wild, but there’s so much more to explore. And there was a part in the story that was so emotional, it made me ugly cry.

          • Khrux
            28 months ago

            I am pretty sure I’d love tears of the kingdom, I just don’t have a switch.vi played breath of the wild on a friend’s Wii U years ago while living with him, then tried to replay it with an emulator a while later but encountered a few big bugs.

            My hope is to just wait 5 years and play a stable emulation of Tears of the Kingdom, or maybe by then I’ll be able to pick that and the console up quick.

        • @Moneo
          28 months ago

          Lack of direction is fine, empty feeling world is not. There was never anything interesting to find in my opinion. No interesting quests, very few towns or other landmarks. Just a lot of space filled with the same 10 enemies.

      • @Moneo
        18 months ago

        yaaaasss. Empty world, repetitive mechanics, crappy story. I don’t understand the hype.

    • qaz
      18 months ago

      What about Wind waker?