I’m also using the new Grid UI to overhaul Shattered Pixel Dungeon’s journal notes page! The automatic adventuring notes, which record keys and landmarks, are now presented in a much more compact form! I’ve also added a few new landmarks, such as special floor types.

You might notice that there are a couple of other new things in this UI as well, more on that next week…

(Image description: An image showing the new ‘adventuring notes’ UI in the journal on the left. Notes are organized by dungeon floor with icons the player can tap for more info. On the right two example note descriptions are shown)

  • 00-EvanOPM
    68 months ago

    I would like to give a little more info on score in the future, but this isn’t really the feature for that. Landmarks mainly automatically note things which you’d care about remembering between floors, such as an alchemy room. Secret rooms aren’t noted at all. I agree that a similar UI could be used to break down missing things by floor, but I wonder if just noting them would be sufficient, compared to doing something like showing where they were on the map.

    • @MrRedstoner
      18 months ago

      Knowing the floor is probably enough, if the player wants, replay the seed on no chal and just magic map the floor might be enough to figure out what they missed

    • @Pickyfan
      18 months ago

      Makes sense, thank you for the answer

      The future of shattered is looking great

      These UI changes are something I didn’t know I needed, it looks really good