• @masquenox
      48 months ago

      Sure beats Marxism and Fascism

      Rich… considering it’s coming from somebody who understands neither.

      • @SleezyDizasta
        -18 months ago

        There’s a 100% chance that I know more about than you… You know since I’ve actually studied both in college. But I’m sure an armchair professor such yourself with a PhD from Lemmy’s echo chambers knows better than my professors.

        • @masquenox
          18 months ago

          You know since I’ve actually studied both in college.

          Which college was that? Prager U, maybe?

          If you did, you’d actually sound as if you knew anything about the subject matter at hand.

          But you don’t - which means you didn’t.

          • @SleezyDizasta
            08 months ago

            Which college was that?

            Nope, a respected public University in New England.

            If you did, you’d actually sound as if you knew anything about the subject matter at hand.

            Your entire argument here boils down to “nuh-uh”, which is absolutely meaningless. If you have actual criticisms then stop beating around the bush and get on with it. Otherwise, I have no interest in whatever this is.

            • @masquenox
              38 months ago

              a respected public University in New England.

              Oh really? A “respected public University in New England” taught you to think like a cheap Tucker Carlson knock-off?

              Do tell… does this “respected public University in New England” do refunds?

              I hope for your part they do.

              • @SleezyDizasta
                -18 months ago

                Yeah okay professor Armchair Marxist, I’m sure everybody is wrong and fake, and you’re the only one that’s right and credible.

                • @masquenox
                  28 months ago

                  No, no, no, “expert” - I want to know more about this (supposed) “respected public University in New England” you attended that (somehow) failed to teach you the difference between Marxism and Marxist-Leninism and/or Maoism.

                  We’re talking basics here, Clyde - basics that you don’t seem to get despite your pretentions to “expertise” on the subject matter at hand.

                  I’m all ears.

                  • @[email protected]
                    38 months ago

                    Hey now don’t make fun of Sleezy! An intro to political science class taught by some adjunct has all the information you could possibly need on Marxism! All the stuff about linen is just for the fashion nerds.

      • @SleezyDizasta
        -68 months ago

        Well it’s quite simple really, you have three choices:

        Fascism: A failed murderous ideology in both theory and practice that has killed tens of million and has done nothing but bring tyranny, poverty, famine, hate, and genocide everywhere it went.

        Marxism: A failed murderous ideology in both theory and practice that has killed tens of million and has done nothing but bring tyranny, poverty, famine, hate, and genocide everywhere it went.

        Neoliberalism: A very flawed ideology that takes economic freedom to an extreme and puts too much faith in unregulated free markets.

        Sounds like a no brainer choice to me.

        • @TokenBoomer
          28 months ago

          Broad generalizations, I can’t argue against that. Defeated by vaguery again.

          • @SleezyDizasta
            18 months ago

            You can’t argue, period. Marxism can’t be argued for on its own merits. It needs fallacies, enemies, violence, and censorship to keep itself from collapsing.

            • @TokenBoomer
              -28 months ago

              What merits does Marxism have? What fallacies, enemies, violence and censorship does it use to keep from collapsing?

          • @SleezyDizasta
            -38 months ago

            Good, I’m very biased against failed tyrannical ideologies.

              • @SleezyDizasta
                -18 months ago

                You don’t listen to anything that’s not from your echo chambers in the first place. If you weren’t a closed minded moron, you wouldn’t be a Marxist.

            • OBJECTION!
              -28 months ago

              Yeah no shit it was because of the reforms the socialists implemented that they were able to eradicate poverty, not sure how that’s supposed to help your point.

              Life expectancy nearly doubled while Mao was in power. that’s not “one of the biggest disasters in human history,” it was the single greatest improvement in quality of life on such a large scale in such a short time period ever.

              • @SleezyDizasta
                08 months ago

                Yeah no shit it was because of the reforms the socialists implemented that they were able to eradicate poverty, not sure how that’s supposed to help your point.

                Do you even understand what the reforms were?

                Life expectancy nearly doubled while Mao was in power. that’s not “one of the biggest disasters in human history,” it was the single greatest improvement in quality of life on such a large scale in such a short time period ever.

                Mao killed somewhere between 40 million and 80 million people during his 27 year reign. He is widely considered to be the person responsible for the highest death toll in human history. The Great Leap Forward by itself is estimated to have somewhere between 15 million to 55 million deaths. The Great Chinese famine is the biggest famine ever recorded and is one of the worst anthropogenic disasters in human history. This is not the hill you should die on.

                  • @SleezyDizasta
                    -28 months ago

                    China went through the Opium wars, the Sino-French war, the first Sino-Japanese war, the Russian invasions of northern China, the second Sino-Japanese war that led to the Japanese genocide against the Chinese, the Taiping Rebellion, the North Chinese famine, the Boxer Rebellion, the Dungan Revolt, the Chinese civil war, the Miao rebellion, Red Turban Rebellion, Panthay Rebellion, the Punti–Hakka Clan Wars, the 1911 revolution, the Laogai camps, the land reform movement, the cultural revolution, the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, the Great Leap Forward, and the list goes on and on. All of these events happened within the span of around 150 years, and the estimated death toll for them in aggregate is somewhere between 150 million to 200 million. Do you begin to comprehend how batshit crazy that is? Literally any sort of stability would’ve seen the life expectancy shoot up because there aren’t people dying left and right.

                    The same thing happened in Russia. They went through a lot of shit that ended up killing so many people, but once Stalin finally fucked off, the life expectancy went up. The same happened in Germany after WWII or India after the British or so many other countries that went through lots of horrible events in rapid succession. Once a stable government is in place, things will improve no matter how horrible the ruling regime is.