• @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    8 months ago

    Yeah, I did the same over time. I had a small solar array and a dual fuel generator but fuel deliveries and the power grid weren’t available after a storm so everyone ran out. People were lining up at 5am at gas stations. So, I added a battery and more panels to the array. It was fairly expensive up front but I have a PHEV and am at a latitude where solar works well except in storms or the dead of winter (when it’s pleasant out anyway). And the days after hurricanes are basically always sunny.

    It always makes me laugh a little bit when people say solar and wind aren’t reliable. Maybe where you live but for me, the grid and gasoline aren’t necessarily reliable when I need them most. I’d rather have backup.

    I suspect it’s also saved me money on appliances and electronics. A lot of people seem to have them die shortly after power grid issues. (It makes intuitive sense that unstable amounts of intermittent electricity coming through would burn out appliances but I don’t know for sure.)