
"16 Dishes Not Allowed at Any Black Cookout This Summer; You know better than to show up with potato salad with raisins.

6: Vegan Meats: Don’t you come near the grill with that mess. You want to get on Unc’s bad side? Try your luck."

What’s up with this mess?? 🗣️

  • @MegaUltraChicken
    22 months ago

    Hmm that’s interesting, any idea on why there’s such a big difference?

    • enkers
      122 months ago

      I’m not black and don’t really know, so it’d probably be presumptuous to say with any certainty.

      I know that several black vegan feminist authors have tied it in with intersectionalism, and a rejection of systems of oppression in general, but as a white dude without a lot of knowledge on the matter, it’s probably not my place to speculate about that sort of thing.