Derek Sherrell shows a low cost, open source house that he built in 90 days. He is giving away the plans for free for anyone who wants to build their own.

Open source is a wonderful concept that should be applied to everything, not just software.

  • @grue
    8 months ago

    Did the guy explicitly say in his video that he intended these to be “open source?” 'Cause otherwise, as far as I can tell, there’s nothing that actually gives anybody else permission to copy, modify, and redistribute. In other words, they’re proprietary “freeware,” at best.

    The blueprint title block needs to have a field that explicitly names the license (Creative Commons or whatever), because otherwise it’s © Design Residential, Inc. All Rights Reserved, by default.

    • Eager Eagle
      8 months ago

      he does mention they “open source everything they do to make housing more attainable and more affordable” at 10:48

      but I agree they need to put up a proper license