• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Their territory is also extremely small though so in a week you can cover a lot of places to hold assemblies. Candidates will still want to show up in most States at least once so a month and a half is pretty much the minimum…

    • @Viking_Hippie
      -22 months ago

      Their territory is also extremely small

      Other way around. At 4th largest and 3rd most populated country in the world, the US is extremely oversized and should really be broken up like the banks should.

      Candidates will still want to show up in most States at least once

      Which is just empty pandering that most voters see right through.

      If asked whether they would prefer a campaign stop or an extra week working on policy that helps their state, reasonable people choose the latter every time.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        You’ve made assumptions that I think matter.

        many voters see right through that

        Yeah but the voters who don’t, the voters who can change their mind, are the ones who need that. They’re not doing it for the 90% who see through that, they’re trying to convince the last 10% to vote for them.

        reasonable people choose [better policy] every time

        Same thing. They’re not going after reasonable people. We’ve see recently how many people don’t care about policy and only care about how the character is displayed

      • skulblaka
        -12 months ago

        Which is just empty pandering that most voters see right through.

        Even if this is true, it is false. This is what lost Hillary her election. She took some easy blue states for granted and they gave us Trump instead.

        Empty pandering, sure, absolutely. But voters need to see the person they’re electing. They need that person to come to their area and tell them that they know we exist. The personal touch will make or break a real election, and that’s because humans are dumb, panicky, emotional animals.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          12 months ago

          They aren’t, no. Keep up with geographical trends, pal.

          • @[email protected]
            -32 months ago

            USA: 9 525 067 km²

            France: 549 087 km² (5.7% of USA)

            UK: 243 610 km² (2.6% of USA)

            There’s a reason why the last two can easily be covered in two weeks of electoral campaigning. They are small.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              2 months ago

              Again, no. Your perspective is skewed. You’re comparing a gigantic country with two of pretty regular size compared to most countries and drawing the false conclusion that it’s the latter that are abnormal.

              Besides, it’s absolutely not necessary to do a physical tour of the country. Multiple types of mass media exist to eliminate that outdated form of outreach.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                There are electors who are catered to by going to see them in person, they won’t vote for you if you don’t show up in their State or even in their city.

                I never said they’re abnormal, I said their small compared to the USA and that is therefore not surprising that they can hold an election in less than a month.