• @[email protected]
    -168 months ago

    who cares what they actually do? they say they’re democrats so that means they’re the good guys. as long as we vote for the person who isn’t orange man, we win! it’s that simple

        • @givesomefucks
          58 months ago

          The Jersey Shore has never felt more heard…

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Seriously… What a fucking joke of a country we are.

          The people that get full representation are: ultra wealthy, fascist racists, literal clowns.

          Everyone else is suffering “taxation without representation” again lol

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              I think we had some representation in the past. We used to get things like the voting rights act to actually protect people. Now we just reverse all the things people like us fought for.

              • Maeve
                38 months ago

                I’m seeing it differently. Those were what scraps controlling interests tossed us to keep themselves in control. Lincoln did not write the emancipation proclamation because he was an abolitionist, and he said so. A chicken in every pot was not Roosevelt’s starting position. So these huge philanthropy orgs started by the corporate overlords, as well. Bare bones were better than nothing, but didn’t keep us from starving. Hushpuppies filled a gnawing emptiness, but didn’t nourish us. Every slight gain we made was hard fought, and it was the bare minimum the controlling interests felt they needed to concede to retain control. We grew complacent, because our bellies are filled with garbage and we’re still overworked, under-healthy, undereducated. They want us smart enough to understand and follow orders, not smart enough to question them; healthy enough to keep slaving for them, not claim real time for families, rest , recreation, let alone revolt. And they’ve been slowly testing our breaking point, and now they’re messing with entertainment (not art by a stretch). We like Bart and American Dad and Bob’s Burgers. They are not commiserating or laughing with us. They’re laughing at us, all the way to their banks.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        D: but how am I supposed to know who to vote for if politicians aren’t properly color-coded???