Edit: ugh, the creator made this with AI

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    This anti lawn tirade is kinda anti-kid to a degree.

    I see where you’re coming from, but I’d argue that more public parks with playgrounds and fields to play on is better than lawns. In some places that’s not prioritised, possibly where you are, and so it sounds great what you have going on!

    But if there are enough public parks for kids to play at, then lawns just end up being wasted space that could instead be a garden or have native plants that help the native wildlife, or something like that.

    I don’t know anyone that actually uses their lawn for anything… Some people might host BBQs or stuff like that, in which case I don’t mind. In my view, if it gets used, great! But most of the time they don’t and they just suck up water resources and petrol on mowing with no real benefit

    • nfh
      97 months ago

      The best lawn is one that serves a purpose for a reasonably sized group of people. Feeling or being compelled to maintain something you don’t want, that’s of no value to you, or nature, is the worst part of lawn culture to me. Nobody should be expected to have a lawn they don’t want, if you have a better use for the space, do that instead if you want.

      Sounds like their lawn is at least good for their community. Maybe it’s suboptimal urban planning, but that’s far less bad than wanton waste of resources in my book.

      • Drusas
        17 months ago

        Hope you have great homeowner’s insurance in case any of them gets injured.