• Gabe BellOP
    77 months ago

    But not ending a sentence with a preposition lead to a surprising grammar joke in “Beavis and Butthead Do America” which was one of the highlights of my early twenties.

    It was really something magnificent to behold :)

      • Gabe BellOP
        7 months ago

        Yeah – it kind of loses something when you retell it out of context, but I’ll give it a go :-

        Agent Bork: Chief, you know that guy whose camper they were whacking off in?

        Agent Fleming: Bork, you’re a Federal Agent. You represent the United States government. Never end a sentence with a preposition.

        See I am a huge grammar nerd, and I find grammar jokes, and dangling modifier jokes and so on, really funny.

        But given the general level of humour in “Beavis and Butthead” I wasn’t expecting this sort of joke, and it entirely caught me by surprise, and made me laugh for five minutes. I just thought it was far funnier and far better than most of the humour in the film.

        Yeah, okay. Maybe it’s just me.