For seven years now, the city of nearly 60,000 people has reported resounding success: Not a single automobile occupant, bicyclist or pedestrian has died in a traffic crash since January 2017, elevating Hoboken as a national model for roadway safety.

While Hoboken’s plan has numerous components, including lower speed limits and staggered traffic lights, daylighting is often credited as one of the biggest reasons its fatalities have dropped to zero.

Ryan Sharp, the city’s transportation director, said when roads need to be repaved, Hoboken takes the additional step of cordoning off the street corners to widen curbs and shorten crosswalks. It’s already illegal to park at an intersection in Hoboken, but drivers often do anyway if there aren’t physical barriers.

Cross post but a great one

  • @DrunkEngineer
    53 months ago

    Don’t know why you say it is not replicable. If a city is ‘n’ sq-miles, then take what Hoboken did over its 1 sq-mi and repeat ‘n’ times.

    • @ampersandrew
      33 months ago

      Not many cities have 60,000 taxpayers (many in high income brackets) to be able to draw from to solve a problem by applying it to only a single street.

      • @DrunkEngineer
        3 months ago

        Most ped/bike improvements are ridiculously cheap. Daylighting intersections just requires some red paint. Lower speed limits can be done with a sticker. Lack of money isn’t the problem here.