• @[email protected]
    692 months ago

    The democrats could run a literal cup of coffee and I would vote for it before that draft dodging, child rapist piece of shit Trump.

    • @Crow_Thief
      -752 months ago

      Well shit, why even have a president then? Lets just have a king, accountable to nobody. Thats what youre suggesting, after all. That whoever is in power wont even be publically known.

      • @Throw_away_migrator
        512 months ago

        Real executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        2 months ago

        You are trying so hard to talk with the big kids and it’s just so ADORABLE 😍

            • @Crow_Thief
              -12 months ago

              No, it does. Youre clearly just an imbecile who picked up a couple cutesy retorts that you for some reason are trying to apply anywhere you can imagine, in place of having any actual thoughts.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                12 months ago

                Three whole days to come up with THAT response?! Do please, call off the dogs!

                Oh, child. I never deflected, i ignored your bad-faith arguments, which you have in spades. “Who did Trump genocide?” Same as Biden, no one. How many Americans have died under Biden due to a botched pandemic response? Is it more than a million, cos thems Trump numbers…

                At least I’m not the one regurgitating Russian propaganda and pretending that it’s my original thoughts. I can’t wait to read your response around Halloween.

                • @Crow_Thief
                  -12 months ago

                  Yeah cause I was busy having a life and didnt get on lemmy. Not all of us are no lifers like you. Biden aides in a genocide. Trump didn’t. And youre literally blaming trump for a pandemic happening under him? How stupid are you?

                  • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                    02 months ago

                    Such a fulfilling life you lead. Must get tiring receiving those propaganda orders from your handler. I’m honored that I’m such an important figure in your busy and important life that you deem it necessary to reply to me. Thanks!

                    Biden aides in a genocide. Trump didn’t. And youre literally blaming trump for a pandemic happening under him?

                    Swing and a miss, Bud. I don’t blame Trump for Covid, i blame him for his response to Covid. An important distinction that’s obviously too nuanced for you… Biden hasn’t “aided” in genocide any more at than any other American president. If you’re assertion was that he’s helped fuel one, then we can agree. But this idea that’s he’s got his hands dirtier than TRUMP is fucking stupid.

                    Trump fumbled a pandemic response leading to the deaths of over a million Americans. AFTER he dismantled the pandemic response set up by Obama. Trump’s the mass murderer you claim Biden to be.

      • AnIndefiniteArticle
        2 months ago

        I’m down with that. Direct election of cabinet members, judges, military brass, and anyone else that the president hires to delegate work. Presidents don’t work, they hire. The people should be the ones hiring. Some cabinet seats would in turn gain the power of vote to exercise other formerly presidential powers, such as signing or vetoing bills. All meetings with other world leaders (for example) are managed by the ambassador to the UN, directly elected by the people. We would ranked vote for who we think the best ambassador would be, independent of the best labor secretary, etc. Forces us to focus on specific jobs as a framing for the electoral process.

      • @Freefall
        32 months ago

        You already said that is what you want.