The legislation, which states that “protections for access to abortion rights … should be supported," was blocked by Republicans who panned it as a “show vote.”

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked legislation led by Democrats to revive the protections of Roe v. Wade in the wake of the Supreme Court eliminating the nationwide right to abortion.

The vote was 49-44, falling short of the super-majority needed to defeat a filibuster due to broad opposition from Republicans, who dismissed it as a political stunt.

The Reproductive Freedom for Women Act, introduced last month around the second anniversary of the court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, is just a few sentences long. It states that “protections for access to abortion rights and other reproductive health care” after the 2022 ruling “should be supported.” It adds that “the protections enshrined in* Roe v. Wade …* should be restored and built upon, moving towards a future where there is reproductive freedom for all.”

  • @[email protected]
    798 months ago

    Ah the old “political stunt” excuse thrown around EVERY TIME a politician does their job and engages in politics.

    • deaf_fish
      218 months ago

      Everything is political. Likewise Everything is a political stunt.

      Political stunts that remove the right to have an abortion are bad stunts. Political stunts that give the right to have an abortion are good stunts.

    • @[email protected]
      188 months ago

      They get to have both arguments…

      “If roe was so important then Congress should make a law.”

      “You’re just making a law for show, so no you can’t have it.”

      They’re all fucking scumbags.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      To be fair, I remember a few short years ago Pelosi not letting minimum wage be voted on the floor because since she thought there was no way it would pass it was nothing more than a stunt and it would hurt the movement because people will get tired of voting for it. Why doesn’t that apply here or why was she lying to us then?

      Democrats are spineless when it comes to things that may impact rich people even slightly and we’re just lucky no one found a way to make billions off of making abortion illegal.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Everything’s political, especially on the Hill. Doing or not doing something as a reaction to a “political stunt” is just a cover for not having a valid reason. People by and large want access to reproductive healthcare, just like they also by and large want access to enough money to address their needs of survival, but inevitably some politician recognizing that will result in others screaming “stunt” rather than explaining why the men in Washington get to choose what women do with their bodies and why we necessarily have to have a permanent vulnerable underclass.

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          Sounds like when it’s rich people money on the line those ‘men in Washington’ include top Democrats like Pelosi was.

      • Verdant Banana
        8 months ago

        now that abortion access in certain states have been limited just like with other rights that have devolved into a state’s rights issue people have to have gas, food, and lodging to access extra demographic rights

        a PA box which has extra costs compared to a PO box is also required to access demographic rights as well as other hidden costs

        so they did find a way

        not to mention fundraising for and against it makes a dick ton of money

        and it is making people criminals to access these demographics rights

        the megacorp prison glomerate will make a shit load as well so the dissidents can have access to basic toiletries, communication with family and friends

        next four years are going to suck either way and salt on the wound is Biden’s crimes bill will come back to haunt everyone combined with these latest assaults to our democracy

        all adding up